Mauris sed maximus dolor, in luctus quam.

- 5/19/2017

Vivamus venenatis, nunc at viverra vulputate, mauris magna cursus turpis, vel molestie enim lectus in metus. Nullam sem justo, suscipit id tempor tempus, posuere vel mauris. Aliquam feugiat massa quis accumsan mattis. Etiam efficitur consectetur quam ut maximus.
Mauris vehicula justo at eros dictum convallis. Phasellus placerat pharetra purus, at faucibus nibh tempor vel. Fusce eget nulla imperdiet, interdum leo non, eleifend lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam tempor placerat purus, at consequat orci tempus at. Cras magna magna, cursus vitae finibus at, tincidunt et velit. 

District News

Important Info for District 1 Members

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Statewide News

News & Info from your department

Veteran Service Officer

Hiring for New York City

Celebrating the Legacy:History of VFW

This year the VFW celebrates 125 years of serving veterans.

National News

Important info from National VFW

Seasons Greetings from the VFW

WASHINGTON (Dec. 23, 2024) - With the end of another year upon us, ...

VFW Wishes America's Guardians a Happy 5th Birthday

WASHINGTON - On Dec. 20, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) joins together with our grateful nation in celebrating the fifth birthday of the newest...